My neighbor and very close friend Steve has had a white labrador retriever named Conner for a little more than a decade. I used to call Conner "the love boy" because he was so full of warmth, sweetness and love. Steve was out of town a lot through the years so Conner was a frequent member of our pack. My wife Grace and I or both of us would take our pack out into the great natural beauty that surrounds our very special town of Del Mar in the morning and in the evening. My dogs were always more than a little bit crazy; running wildly and creating havoc wherever we ventured. Conner was always sweet, obedient and truly grateful. We explored the canyons, visited the neighboring dogs at dog park, went swimming at the beach, cruised through the stillness of the eucalyptus grove, or rambled over the beautiful bluffs along the sea. Spectacular is the only word I know to describe the majestic beauty we have all experienced together. Conner loved to be part of our team and truly loved the snacks we liked to reward the troops with after(or before) a good adventure.
Connor was a simple boy. He wanted to give and receive love. He loved to be pet and he loved food. He was always there for Steve and for anyone who was open to his warmth and affection. He loved the grass and the beach and the water(any body of water -- even a mud puddle). He was never mean or angry or sad.
Steve fell in love with a great woman named Diane a few years back. She is a dog-lover from her very core. When she and Steve got married and moved in together, there was a great union of their pets. Conner and Bailey(Steve's other dog -- an older cocker spaniel) had to make room for Diane and her crew -- Zach(a retriever mix) and Quincy(a regal french bulldog). Needless to say, there were some adjustment issues. But over time, this family became a pack. Conner was always the big boy but he came to love his new family. Steve and Diane are an amazing couple who complement each other and make each much better than they were as individuals. There is a love in their home that I have not felt in many places before. Seeing the six of them walk the neighborhood brightens anyone and everyone's day.
Saturday morning, Diane called Grace and I because Conner was not himself. The vet quickly determined that he had a very large tumor on his spleen that had ruptured and bled into his belly. Steve was out of town for his daughter Clea's college graduation. He yearned to be with his boy in this critical time. We realized quickly that this would not be possible. We put the great and mighty Conner to sleep with the help of a great veterinarian at the pet hospital. Conner left this world in peace and comfort. Grace and I got to be with him for his transition. He had love in his eyes right up until the time he was gone.
Conner was a very special being. He went his whole life giving all that he knew how to give. He spread love. Simple as that.
Connor was a simple boy. He wanted to give and receive love. He loved to be pet and he loved food. He was always there for Steve and for anyone who was open to his warmth and affection. He loved the grass and the beach and the water(any body of water -- even a mud puddle). He was never mean or angry or sad.
Steve fell in love with a great woman named Diane a few years back. She is a dog-lover from her very core. When she and Steve got married and moved in together, there was a great union of their pets. Conner and Bailey(Steve's other dog -- an older cocker spaniel) had to make room for Diane and her crew -- Zach(a retriever mix) and Quincy(a regal french bulldog). Needless to say, there were some adjustment issues. But over time, this family became a pack. Conner was always the big boy but he came to love his new family. Steve and Diane are an amazing couple who complement each other and make each much better than they were as individuals. There is a love in their home that I have not felt in many places before. Seeing the six of them walk the neighborhood brightens anyone and everyone's day.
Saturday morning, Diane called Grace and I because Conner was not himself. The vet quickly determined that he had a very large tumor on his spleen that had ruptured and bled into his belly. Steve was out of town for his daughter Clea's college graduation. He yearned to be with his boy in this critical time. We realized quickly that this would not be possible. We put the great and mighty Conner to sleep with the help of a great veterinarian at the pet hospital. Conner left this world in peace and comfort. Grace and I got to be with him for his transition. He had love in his eyes right up until the time he was gone.
Conner was a very special being. He went his whole life giving all that he knew how to give. He spread love. Simple as that.
I talked to the radiologist at RMG and told him that it was difficult to see the zygos vein on my venogram. He said that it is difficult to get veins but will talk to the vascular surgeon about it. He wanted to know if there is a certain protocol to follow when taking a venogram of the veins that he should know about.
Knowing Connor has transformed your life. He was a dog of dignity. He saw that trait in you because you saw it in him. His way of being is a joy to learn about. He will live on by setting a perfect example of how to love unconditionally. May he rest in peace. Bless his big dog heart.