With new treatment options available for Multiple Sclerosis, now becomes a very intense time for those with this condition. It is also a big time for their doctors--mainly neurologists.
Neurologists study the brain and nervous system. This requires a very big, high functioning brain to comprehend this world and the language to describe it. I did not do well in neuroanatomy or neurophysiology. Frankly, it was over my head. My smart friends did well in this realm but they did not become neurologists. It takes a very smart and gifted person to be a neurologist.
Neurologists are now at the front lines in the management of CCSVI and MS. The theory goes against what they have known and learned about Multiple Sclerosis. The current mind set(auto-immunity) has been the glasses through which doctors see MS for over 30 years. People DO get better with immune suppressive drugs--steroids, interferon, tysabri, etc). It is quite shocking that the theory might not be complete. Really smart people have studied it for a long time. But the one thing the scientific world never figured out was why does someone's immune system would turn on itself?
The answer that CCSVI is a cause/contributor of this number one debilitator of young people is shockingly simple and basic. Why didn't we figure this out earlier? The plaques are surrounding the veins around the third ventricle. This has been known for a very long time.
It is very hard to realize and own that as a doc, you have missed a diagnosis or understood a situation incorrectly. I have been there more times than I wish to remember. It always is difficult to accept a change of perspective. It happens to all doctors and in fact all people. Everyone is wrong sometimes. We all can be blind and then learn to see. That is the beauty of learning and new experiences. That is what makes this human life so magical.
Somehow, we as a culture and society don't think doctors should be wrong. Especially not really smart doctors like neurologists. We think that since they are so smart, they must know. They(the neurologists) probably think this way also. They are probably not used to being wrong.
I am using strong language saying they were wrong. They just didn't see beyond the therapeutic intention. Once immuno-suppressives became the glasses through which we all saw MS, there was a funnel blinding us to the underlying process. All therapy was geared to suppression of a wayward immune system-- harnessing the monster.
But now we we know what makes the immune system go haywire and attack the main computer. It is errant plumbing. Why? Still not known. It will eventually be known. I bet pretty soon now that the field has been opened wide open.
I don't blame neurologists for not knowing. They have only been doing the very best that they can. But now, the true challenge comes: leading us forward with the new knowledge that we have. Incorporate and move forward. CCSVI is real and a very important part of the MS mystery. All the details have yet to be determined, but its contribution is no longer possible to deny. The immune system is still involved. There is just a reason FINALLY for why the immune system goes crazy, turning on self.
The MS community absolutely needs their docs. The doctor-patient relationship is sacred. Every patient that I have spoken with respect and love their doctors. Patients will always seek out relief in any form. Energy may not be as easily quantified or charted but it is the fuel of life. Without it life is very different. A lot darker. A lot harder. With more time, the neurologic changes may get better. With energy, all is possible. It may mix with the placebo effect but so what. Energy does matter to life and to any condition. Please do not forsake the CCSVI theory because the neurologic changes don't improve instantaneously.
In the presence of true energy, all healing is possible. This is basic relativity theory. We would never diagree with Einstein. He was the smartest of all scientists. Come back to the game; our game. Join the patients in changing their matter. This is not an intellectual battle. This is our lives. We need you. Together, we can stop the devastation that MS reaps.
Now is the time to truly help millions of people. Be open. Learn with us. Be part of something truly miraculous.
Neurologists study the brain and nervous system. This requires a very big, high functioning brain to comprehend this world and the language to describe it. I did not do well in neuroanatomy or neurophysiology. Frankly, it was over my head. My smart friends did well in this realm but they did not become neurologists. It takes a very smart and gifted person to be a neurologist.
Neurologists are now at the front lines in the management of CCSVI and MS. The theory goes against what they have known and learned about Multiple Sclerosis. The current mind set(auto-immunity) has been the glasses through which doctors see MS for over 30 years. People DO get better with immune suppressive drugs--steroids, interferon, tysabri, etc). It is quite shocking that the theory might not be complete. Really smart people have studied it for a long time. But the one thing the scientific world never figured out was why does someone's immune system would turn on itself?
The answer that CCSVI is a cause/contributor of this number one debilitator of young people is shockingly simple and basic. Why didn't we figure this out earlier? The plaques are surrounding the veins around the third ventricle. This has been known for a very long time.
It is very hard to realize and own that as a doc, you have missed a diagnosis or understood a situation incorrectly. I have been there more times than I wish to remember. It always is difficult to accept a change of perspective. It happens to all doctors and in fact all people. Everyone is wrong sometimes. We all can be blind and then learn to see. That is the beauty of learning and new experiences. That is what makes this human life so magical.
Somehow, we as a culture and society don't think doctors should be wrong. Especially not really smart doctors like neurologists. We think that since they are so smart, they must know. They(the neurologists) probably think this way also. They are probably not used to being wrong.
I am using strong language saying they were wrong. They just didn't see beyond the therapeutic intention. Once immuno-suppressives became the glasses through which we all saw MS, there was a funnel blinding us to the underlying process. All therapy was geared to suppression of a wayward immune system-- harnessing the monster.
But now we we know what makes the immune system go haywire and attack the main computer. It is errant plumbing. Why? Still not known. It will eventually be known. I bet pretty soon now that the field has been opened wide open.
I don't blame neurologists for not knowing. They have only been doing the very best that they can. But now, the true challenge comes: leading us forward with the new knowledge that we have. Incorporate and move forward. CCSVI is real and a very important part of the MS mystery. All the details have yet to be determined, but its contribution is no longer possible to deny. The immune system is still involved. There is just a reason FINALLY for why the immune system goes crazy, turning on self.
The MS community absolutely needs their docs. The doctor-patient relationship is sacred. Every patient that I have spoken with respect and love their doctors. Patients will always seek out relief in any form. Energy may not be as easily quantified or charted but it is the fuel of life. Without it life is very different. A lot darker. A lot harder. With more time, the neurologic changes may get better. With energy, all is possible. It may mix with the placebo effect but so what. Energy does matter to life and to any condition. Please do not forsake the CCSVI theory because the neurologic changes don't improve instantaneously.
In the presence of true energy, all healing is possible. This is basic relativity theory. We would never diagree with Einstein. He was the smartest of all scientists. Come back to the game; our game. Join the patients in changing their matter. This is not an intellectual battle. This is our lives. We need you. Together, we can stop the devastation that MS reaps.
Now is the time to truly help millions of people. Be open. Learn with us. Be part of something truly miraculous.