This tape can be turned off (or destroyed) but for too many it keeps raising its head when circumstances replicate past wounds or when there is an ongoing, overpowering, loud voice that just keeps breaking into one's head. How to turn off this noise may be the true secret to life and freedom.
Realizing that we are not that voice and that it is not accurate or applicable to the current moment is our ticket to freedom. This is awareness. Some people come upon this naturally. Some people "get it" when they come into relationship with an enlightened teacher or counselor or group. The majority live long lives victimized by their own voices that evolved from wounds received in early childhood or young adulthood. They may still live full, active lives but the dark voice makes them blind to their own beauty and wonderful gifts they hold inside and limits their capacity for happiness and joy and peace.
We are all mirrors for each other and the relationships we enter into provide a great opportunity to hear and recognize this unhealthy voice we carry inside (and project outward). Coming out of our heads and into our bodies' deeper awareness and intelligence also serves to shine a light on this dark, blind spot inside us. The combination of open, real communication and dropping into our centers (out of our heads) is the path to waking up and ending this self-destructive noise.
What tape are you re-playing? How long are you going to hold onto it and let it hold you back?
Recognizing the voice, facing it (and deciding if it is really true) and committing to not let the voice be our guiding light begins our path to freedom, power and health.
The cure is bringing the light of consciousness to the darkness. The light most commonly comes from relationship and connection with others (our mirrors).
So what sort of behaviors are presented by people who are playing these destructive tapes?
How can we know if someone we know/love/live with is dealing with this sort of condition?