Why have we chosen the 3 components of the Pando Method? Is there magic or something special about these activities which we encourage as a way of life? Yes; there is a synergistic power that evolves out of transcending our natural states and investigating and boldly entering a new space that takes us out of our ingrained, habitual patterns.
(3) CENTER POINT REST (Meditation)
These 3 simple and basic activities create a core center of quiet, equanimity and strength that will serve their practicer in all aspects of their life and with all aspects of health (mental, physical and spiritual). These 3 "tank-filling" practices open a space for new and creative thinking, a rejuvenated body and allow for re-connection with the roots of being.
Connecting with our fellow human-beings in a real and genuine way is the least talked about but, in my mind, most valuable facet. Can we let our real selves be known without being fake or ingenuine in any way? Can we allow others to be exactly who they are without imposing our judgment or criticism? It is in this connection that energy moves and flows like a river breaking free from its frozen state after a long, cold winter. When we don't have anything to hide and feel able to be ourselves, we don't have to waste precious energy hiding parts of ourselves. When we are authentic and allow our friends, partners and family members to be authentic, we have created a real and safe community. This is so healthy for our minds, souls and bodies. To live uncensored is to be free and this changes our chemicals, our stress levels and our entire outlook on life.
Restorative exercise is very different than our traditional concept of exercise where we push ourselves to perform and reach higher levels of fitness and exertion. Restorative exercise is meant to refill our tanks, to rejuvenate our bodies and refresh our minds. It is a pause from the usual doing and "going for it" and rather taking time to take energy in so that we may be at full capacity for whatever we wish to put our energy into. It goes hand - in - hand with meditation as ways to still our usually goal-driven, pushing - ourselves - to - perform style of being. It is a way to receive energy not put it out into the world. It restores balance and gives fuel for future fire by nurturing our inner body and mind. There are many styles and approaches to this practice. We offer several at Pando that appeal to different styles.
Meditation allows us to tap into who we really are. Jon Kabat Zinn who truly brought mindfulness and the art of meditation to the West in a simple and understandable fashion says "Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way – on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgement". This is where we start. Meditation is a powerful tool that can lead us to amazing places but the first step is to stop and pay attention. The View and the Nature of Mind (terms used by Sogyal Rinpoche in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying), and peace can all be attained with persistence, training and a willingness to spend time in this restful space. It is a process but the beauty is that it unfolds as we practice and opens a world of thinking, being and living that is completely different than our usual mind on auto pilot. We don't have to be a master; we don't have to reach enlightenment. We only have to allow a different perception of the world to unfold -- and it does when we allow ourselves the opportunity to enter a different relationship with our own mind.
What the Pando Method offers is a way to receive; it is receptive rather than our usual active doing. It is a style of life which supports our life. it offers a different approach to living which makes regular life (work, relationship, and recreation) more fulfilling and successful because we can come from a more whole and grounded place. We come with a full tank and a peaceful acceptance rather than a depleted, resistant core. The Pando Method answers the call for balance and an awareness and attention to energy supply for optimal functioning.