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Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine

As modern medicine has fallen off the throne, there has been a mass movement to other forms of healing. There is a hunger that exists in the world for "something more" in terms of healing. Many modalities, products and services have become popular. The following is an incomplete list of these non-mainstream healing products and services:


Nutritional Supplements
Herbal Products


Psychotherapy (many types and varieties)
Spiritual therapies
Massage Therapies
Chiropractic Care
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Aryuvedic Therapies
Yoga based therapies
Alternative Physical and Exercise Therapies
Healing Touch
Life Coaching
Group Therapies
Energy Healing

This list is by no means exhaustive and just serves to demonstrate the amazing variety of products and services which have arisen to meet the needs of hungry consumers looking to feel better. The terms alternative, complementary and integrative medicine encompass this expansive list and describe their varying degrees of assimilation with standard medicine. The business of complementary/alternative medicine is in the billions of dollars in our country and growing every year. Some of the therapies are remarkable in their beneficial effects and some serve as simple placebos. It is well beyond the scope of this book to review the efficacies of these different therapies. I would just say that there are some very remarkable healers out there and they are NOT only working in standard medicine. I utilized many of these services and products in my personal life and in my medical practice with very good results.

In my experience, many of the alternative healers offered exactly what is missing in standard medicine --- time, touch, compassion, and open minds. In many cases, these healers have insight into realms well beyond scientific explanation. In my mind, the benefit of an open, caring relationship can never be over emphasized. Just because the mechanism of benefit is not understood, does NOT mean that there is no benefit. To the contrary, amazing healing can and does happen outside of the standard medical realm.

Modern medical opponents of this massive movement argue that there is no "control" over the products and services such as is offered by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration). They also argue that the placebo effect gives similar benefits (33 percent improvement rate). They demand that these products and services be researched with the rigor and intensity which is the routine in standard medicine.
These are legitimate arguments in my mind but lack of funding and other barriers make this not practical. The world wants to feel better NOW and is not going to wait for the rigors of science to grant its approval. The bottom line is people will do whatever it is that they have the time and resources to do so they can feel better. If a neighbor down the street says that they got pain relief and more energy from an alternative therapy, then I'll be trying it if those are my goals. That is human nature -- we want to feel better and we will do what we have to do to get there regardless if it is approved by the AMA or not.

My biggest objection to this realm is the temptation to use these products and services as "quick fixes" while continuing to live in unhealthy ways or not addressing the underlying issue in one's situation. This use of this realm in this manner will NOT lead to healing. There is no magic herb or chiropractic adjustment when one is hurting oneself with an unhealthy lifestyle.

With that said, speaking from my own personal experience both as a health consumer and as a doctor trying to guide my patients to health, this realm of healing is just what the doctor ordered. Alternative/complementary/integrative medicine offers just what we need to promote healing and just what is missing in standard medicine. The modern world of medicine absolutely needs the time, caring, touch, and compassion that this branch of the healing world is offering. These four factors provide the energy that is critical to promote a return to well-being. Individual medical circumstances often require standard medical interventions but it never hurts and often helps greatly to add love, kindness and support to the prescription. In my mind, alternative/complementary/integrative strategies are prime examples of returning to the pack --- connecting with another person on an intimate level with the intention of healing oneself. With the way our medical system (and our world in general) are heading, we all need more nurture and love. This complement to our standard system is exactly the answer we are looking for. It just isn't the whole answer. We still need to learn to find the warmth, caring and love in our daily lives that comes from full re-connection with ourselves and our daily contacts.


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