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Showing posts from July, 2013

My 3 "Go-To" Songs


Believing in Yourself

At the core of an empowered approach to health and well-being is what we believe. We can wish for good health or attempt to make positive changes but what really matters is what thoughts dominate our consciousness and whether we believe in ourselves. For example, if I plan to quit smoking but know that cigarettes are my "go-to" stress-reducer and I can't really imagine myself as a non-smoker, than I am doomed from the start. How do we change our thoughts and beliefs so that they line up with what we desire for ourselves so that we can have the outcome we desire? Herein lies the the great challenge of being human. Ingrained habits are very hard to break. However, empowerment comes with creating change from inside. Here is where our thought patterns and beliefs come critically into play.  If we believe that "I am weak" or "I can't handle stressful challenges" or "I am not worthy of being happy", then we create a life with those defining b

The Root of Dis-ease

Yesterday, I wrote of trying to get to a place of equanimity -- a state of emotional balance and quiet. This is a very desirable goal, of course. Meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi and Xi Gong, exercise are all good avenues leading to this desired outcome. However, and this is a BIG however, there is a major chasm to cross on the path to this wonderful place. How do we deal with the difficult emotions which are inherent to the human condition and which rob us of our peace? Anger, injustice, guilt, shame, sadness, powerlessness, fear are very real human feelings and the majority of us do NOT have any idea how to work with these painful states let alone how to guide them through us so that they don't get stuck in our bodies and psyches. No one teaches these absolutely critical skills. In fact, the overriding concept is that we should not have them. Spiritually, we are taught in nearly all traditions to "let go", "forgive", "release" these states into


Equanimity  ( Latin :  æquanimitas  having an even mind;  aequus  even  animus  mind/soul) is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies. At Pando, we are attempting to guide our clients and all interested seekers to find a source of internal power. By internal power, I mean a state of being that is supportive and nurturing to whatever disease state or external condition that confronts us. If we can find a state of internal quiet and balance (equanimity), we are capable of working with any challenge that we meet on the road of life -- including disease states, emotional challenges and even death. So, we focus on helping our clients develop, nurture and strengthen from the inside - out. While this is opposite to the


This blog was sent to me by a patient I met last week. It is heart-felt and real and connects doctors and struggling patients who are way-too often not understood and invalidated. I long to eliminate this rift and appreciate the tone, sincerity and heart-felt feeling expressed by this special doctor. doctor letter

The Pando Way

At Pando Health Groups, we aim to provide the anti-plastic surgery approach: Healing from the inside-out. Real health. True power and beauty. We aim to change the medical paradigm one person at a time. Our new advertisement simply conveys our promise:

Tao Te Ching

Ancient wisdom is often more profound than current "new" technology or information. I have been reading passages from the Tao Te Ching written in China in the 6th century B.C. It is mind-blowing the  wisdom and insight that it reveals. I love living in our modern age but it is truly amazing the clarity and profound truth revealed many eons ago. It touches my heart in a way that is calming and strengthening simultaneously. The following is just a sample: Can you coax your mind from its wandering and keep to the original oneness? Can you let your body become supple as a newborn child's? Can you cleanse your inner vision until you see nothing but the light? Can you love people and lead them without imposing your will? Can you deal with the most vital matters by letting events take their course? Can you step back from you own mind and thus understand all things? Giving birth and nourishing, having without possessing, acting with no expectations, leading and not tr