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Finding the Magic of the Season

Holiday time is "designed" to bring people together to share and celebrate life. For those of the Jewish and Christian faiths, Hanukah and Christmas come in December and are the holidays of the winter season. In America, this is a "big" time of year. The commercialization of this time of year has added to the build-up and specialness of this season. There are very many expectations which accompany this holiday season. The holiday songs all allude to these expectations. It is supposed to be a time of joy, celebration, love, and peace. It is often this but for many it uncovers the emptiness and lack of connection that is their daily reality. The following suggestions are my effort to allow each person to feel the beauty of the season and the opportunity to experience the magic and power inherent in this wonderful life. This holiday season can be all that is advertised. I sincerely hope that each of you feel the love that the holiday season is meant to bring.

(1) Develop and strengthen an Attitude of Gratitude. Yes, there is much negativity and selfishness in our world. Yes, we are in a recession. We all know this. However, we are truly blessed with so much positive energy and amazing gifts that unfortunately we easily come to take for granted and flat out forget far too often. Practicing remembering can bring about major shifts in our attitude and level of happiness. Focusing for a period each day on the amazing good fortune we have brings the good to light. The list of what we all have to be thankful for is long and magical. We only have to REMEMBER!

(2) Do what you have to do to release your body's natural feel-good hormones. Serotonin and endorphins are released with routine activities that are available to all of us on any day. Different people respond better to different activities. We all know what works for us but we come up against blocks which slow and distract our pursuit of happiness. The first step in harnessing a happy state is to recognize these blocks and break through them. There is no shortcut or magic pill which brings happiness. We have to know and do what makes us happy on an ongoing basis. So, the first step is to know yourself (what makes you proud of yourself?). The second and more difficult step is to make the time and devote the energy to DOING whatever it is that releases your good chemicals. The next 8 suggestions are the common releasers of serotonin and endorphins.

(3) EXERCISE !! This basic suggestion has so much power and energy that it has to go first. Our bodies were built to move and make us proud of ourselves. Sure, most of us are NOT going to be famous athletes but we all can reap the rewards of movement and fun. It does not matter what you do, it only matters that you DO something. Whatever puts a smile on your face and involves moving the body for over 10 minutes will work. Walking, running, bicycling, swimming, tennis, golf, dancing (including chair-dancing), yoga, weight-lifting all pass the test. It may not be fun the first time but a little commitment and perseverance bring giant rewards.

(4) Music/Singing. It does not have to be good. Music makes the heart sing. Listening to music is good; generating music is better. Singing with a choir is great. Playing music with a band is also great. However, singing in the shower or singing along to the radio both bring an elevated state.

(5) Creating art. Again, it does not have to be good to anyone else. It only has to be fun for you. Clay, paint, collage, all work. Creativity stimulates the mind and the good hormones. Judging one's work is counter-productive. Letting the creative juices flow is freeing.

(6) Writing. Same principle. Letting out one's thoughts, feelings, and hidden world is really healing. It opens closed channels and brings freedom and release. No one has to read it. Journaling has been studied and shown to make all sorts of medical conditions and negative feeling states (i.e. depression) better.

(7) Touch. Getting a massage can be a miracle. The skin and muscles are loaded with receptors which when stimulated not only promote a body pleasantness but a mind elevation. Acupuncture shares this power. Our bodies are wired to make us feel good; we just have to let the body release its natural chemicals. We don't have to have a partner. The world is ready to help us -- we just have to be willing to break through our self-imposed separation. The Aryuvedic technique of Abiyanga is the application of oils to the skin and self massage. This is also a nice substitute when we are not able to be massaged by another.

(8) Nature. There is a transformation which occurs in the body when we expose ourselves to the earth's natural beauty. Water in whatever form (river, ocean, lake or pond) has a restorative power. Trees, the sky, rain, grass, snow all feed our bodies, minds and spirits. Combining nature with movement (i.e. walking,etc) is synergistically enhancing.

(9) Prayer/Meditation. These 2 activities share powers and benefits. Prayer can be thought of conscious asking. Meditation can be thought of as conscious listening. While prayer implies a listener; meditation involves a receptive state. Both involve connecting with the unknown. One's focus can be a God or spirit or can be completely free of worship or deity. The power lies in the communing with the silence and the mystery. While both take discipline and faith, they both can tap one into a whole different realm of experience that can completely change one's outlook and perspective. There are infinite techniques and religions, but in my opinion, it is not about the words or sects involved, it is about one's intentions and commitment that matter.

(10) Connection. This is the most important factor in my mind. Whatever activity or combination of activities one chooses from the above list, they all can be enhanced with a feeling of connection. Whether one of the above activities is shared with a friend or family member or one enjoys the beauty of being alone, there is a power and magic inherent in connecting to another individual or the beauty in the world. Herein lies the secret of the season. Connecting erases the negativity of isolation. Connection is a feeling and can be elicited in a wide variety of ways but it is the underlying mechanism in relieving the suffering and sadness often associated with a negative experience of the holidays. One can be surrounded by friends, family, etc but still feel isolated and alone if resentments and walls have built up. Connection is the antidote to loneliness and isolation. The secret of the season and to all of life lies in tapping in to the power of connection. Bonds broken and walls built can always be healed if one truly looks for connection. The holiday season is the perfect time to end separation; the world wants to use this time for healing and love.

(11) Forgiveness. Along the same track of pursuing connection, forgiveness is the means to re-establish connection with our world. Holding grudges and keeping up walls of separation only hurts ourselves. Allowing these blocks to return to the nothingness from which they came sets one free and allows peace, harmony and love to re-establish themselves. We have all been hurt before; however, the holding onto the hurts holds us down and keeps us from living our lives in the flow of life. We do NOT require the other people in our wars to be involved; forgiveness is something we do for ourselves to free us from the bonds of hatred, negativity and separation. Forgiveness does not involve confrontation, resolution or any ongoing relationship. It only involves a personal desire to be free.

(12) Giving. While so much of the this season is connected to receiving gifts, it is giving that truly enlivens us. Helping the homeless or anyone in need gives as much to the giver as to the receiver. It may sound trite but giving and helping and sharing are the true gifts. Nothing opens our hearts more and connects us more than giving with good intention. Don't wait to receive; give and you have received the true gift.

The following is my list of ideas and supplements which help in the winter season (times of less light and colder weather) but do NOT replace the above list of truly helpful hints.

(1) Vitamin D supplement(at least 2000 units but even more if one resides in the more northern regions or if one is not in the sun at all).

(2) Lots of fruits and vegetables (to counter-balance the general poor eating and excessive drinking which accompanies holiday time).

(3) Lots of water

(4) Fish oil supplement

(5) Sun in any quantity. It may be cold but let it shine on you.



Thank you for these timely reminders.

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