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I was talking with a friend/colleaugue today about what we offer people. He is a great healer in my opinion but he has been unable to expand his healing practices beyond his everyday work(guiding people through chemotherapy). He desires to be a more "comprehensive" healer incorporating mind, body and spirit. When I listened to him describing his work, it struck me that he could not verbalize with clarity and conciseness what exactly he wants to do.

My wife Grace has told me for years that if I can clarify what I do, I will be able to manifest it in the world. Unfortunately, I (like my friend) have difficulty putting into a few sentences what it is I do and what people will get from it.

My passion is taking care of people in groups. I have struggled with the one-on-one format for seeing and caring for patients throughout my career. Not that one-on-one care is not necessary--it is absolutely necessary. However, most people need more than just the traditional mode of care; they do better with a community approach where they go through their medical experience and their lives with other people who have similar challenges. They learn to share their own experience and they learn to share in others experiences. This formation of community reduces the isolation that comes with illness and disability. With the connection that ensues, people can access more of what they need to heal whether it be education, support, or new approaches to old problems. I have always found that there is a magic in the connection evolving out of a supportive setting which can elevate people and support them in a way that is simply not possible with brief contact with one provider.

In my own life, connecting with others on similar paths has always brought me strength, clarity and support which in turn elevates my mood, gives me strength I may not have at the time, and motivates me to pursue whatever I may need to do to accomplish my goals. The power of connection, to me, is vast and very "harnessable". All that is necessary is a desire to connect with others and a willingness to listen to others stories as they witness our story.

I feel clearer today about my passion and my path than I have in the past. I formerly got stuck (got in my own way) when I tried to bring this group concept to practice. Now the world is "catching up" with my desires as the healthcare quandry is escalating. It has become clear that new approaches to healing are necessary in our very dysfunctional system. Care for the people with multiple chronic conditions has been singled out as an area that needs the most change. This is where the group care model can shine the brightest. This IS the answer for this very crucial aspect of healthcare. Clarity in communication and vision will bring this healing modality to prominence.


Re: clarity:

A specification that will not fit on one page of 8.5x11 inch paper cannot be understood.
- Mark Ardis
Anonymous said…
Hello Mark, I had the MRV today and looked at my veins. I thought I would see one vein larger than another but I did not. They are going to give me a report and a CD tomorrow. I was wanting to drop it off to you at the Cancer Center. Will you be there? Brian told me that me looking at my veins does not mean anything because I am not a trained radiologist. I drove for the first time today in four months to get my teeth cleaned at the dentist. It was a good feeling. I drove too slow but I got there. I continue to improve my walking but my husband got spooked because as I was walking out to the car to the MRV I fell on the cement sidewalk. I fell on my elbow and put my other hand on top to do healing and shine light on it. By the time we got half way there, it did not hurt at all. Boy, was that fast. He worries about me but I am improving just like you and try to walk all the time. My phone number is:760 753-5671 in case you are not there tomorrow. I can drop it off anyway so it will be in your mailbox. I can't wait to hear about what you think of the report. They may not know how to read it but there will be pictures on the CD. If you can't tell any insufficiency, maybe your vascular surgeon could. Have a day of a beautiful sunset and glorious times with your new energy.
Anonymous said…
I follow your progress with great interest... As your former patient, I know first hand the power of the groups you sponsored. I miss the cardiac group terribly, as do all of us who were in it. You made a difference in ALL our lives and I hope and pray for a time when you might return to us.
One can only hope...

Bob B

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