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Let's Talk Food

I have never liked talking about food. I suppose most docs are inclined this way. I don't like food preparation as I am basically lazy in this regard. However, the reality is that "we are what we eat" and most people are not really eating well. The fact that diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are epidemics in America as well as across the world speaks to the fact that we are eating too much and more importantly too much of the bad stuff.

A trip to standard grocery stores really tells it all. There is one aisle of fresh food and 15 aisles of processed, packaged, unhealthy food and drnk. I understand the need for convenience and ease, but "our" love of these are literally killing us. When you throw in fast food and restaurant food that is made from packaged, processed ingredients, you have the makings of a very unhealthful grounding for our bodies.

This is all very old news to healthy people. People who wanted to know about true health learned about the truly criminal nature of food processing and food preparation a very long time ago. It is amazing the power of denial when people are busy, etc. It is now abundantly clear that what we eat can make us healthy or make us sick. We all know this but the pace of life and the addictive nature of sugary, greasy food and drink can make anyone blind to a loaded gun.

The facts are in. The truth is known. Roy Swank knew the truth 60 years ago when he first outlined a healthy diet for multiple sclerosis patients. Dean Ornish taught us how to actually reverse coronary heart disease with a vegetarian, low-fat diet. Dr. McDougall has clearly written about the infinite benefits of healthful eating with low fat, high fiber food faire.

All these wise people have clearly outlined what it takes to prevent and even reverse all the common ills of our current world. The common denominator-- back to basics. Fruits and vegetables. Nuts and seeds. Beans. Fish. Eat what comes from nature not out of a box. Don't believe what "they" say on packages and labels. They are allowed to lie and they do(all the time). If there are more than 3 ingredients in a product, you can bet it is unhealthful. Don't be blind to the truth. Sodas are ALL bad. Diet sodas have not yet proven to be bad but we all know they are. High fructose corn syrup is the devil. Packaged/processed food and drink brings harm with its ease and convenience. The tobacco companies are not the only villains. There is NO free lunch.

Blah Blah Blah. Ok, we've heard it all before. However, the fast food companies, the makers of soda, and the mass producers of processed food are winning big financially and dominating human consumption. We know that too.

The option is here for us. Don't settle for ease and convenience at the expense of health and well-being. Shop locally. Don't let taste and, comfort and pleasure be the bus drivers. I am talking to myself. I love quick food preparation and fast service. I am a slave to the sweet and the delicious.
How high a price are am I willing to pay for comfort and ease. Are we willing to get sick for it? To die for it?

I went to Fiji this winter. The people on the outer islands that I had the pleasure of working with, live nearly as long as we do and they never see a doctor for their entire lives. How can this be?
They eat a natural diet. They are primitive in our eyes but what are we? Civilized, evolved but fat and sick. Let's end the health care crisis in our country. The first step is what we put in our mouths for our next meal.


Anonymous said…
Hello Mark. Julie here again. Jonathan dropped off my second reading of the supposed (MRV) on Friday at your office at the Cancer Center. They told me that they would do a DVD copy of the work they did in removing the arteries from the pictures and only let the veins show. When he picked up the CD, there was only one CD and not two like they told me. I was disappointed when I read the conclusions. He told me that he asked a special neuroradiologist to read the film. This is what they wrote: External jugular, normal in appearance with no visible significant stenosis. They also wrote this for the internal jugular. Also, other than this, they wrote under a category of other: no additional findings. I was wondering if they were not able to read it like a vascular surgeon could. What do you think? I am grateful that this radiologist took the extra time to do what I was asking him to do. He did it himself and showed me my veins beforehand (This is what he said he would make me a CD of to take with me. He did not have to do this. He seemed very interested in doing it the correct way but I don't think he did it the way you would have asked him to do. I am going to call tomorrow morning and ask him for the CD he promised me of the veins and not the arteries.
Anonymous said…
Hi Mark,
I haven't been here for a while. I enjoyed your 'food talk' article... and all of your writing. I had a long talk with Patti today and we were discussing the importance of a proper diet... you know I'm a long-time advocate of eating right, tho' more easily said than done in this fast-moving, fast-food culture.
I'm happy to hear you're doing so well! Keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to many.
=) B

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