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Healing Happens

I have never quite verbalized my dream and my intention for my life. It is now finally becoming clear to me. As this blog has been a gateway to healing for me, I am going to design my dream on this blog. I am going to start today with a brief introduction.

Our world is in need of a parallel pathway to our current medical system. The new path will be the other half of the circle. The current model will continue to deliver excellent acute care with ever improving, innovative technology. The parallel tract will be community-based, universally available and accessible, free of charge, and providing for lifelong support. This parallel tract will NOT focus or separate by diagnoses. It will provide a general prescription for healthful living and empower participants through adoption of this health producing lifestyle. It allows each individual to design his or her own healing plan especially suited for them. It works in concert with the acute care system only adding to the base of safety provided by the medical realm. The new delivery model will be self-supporting and ever growing. There will be a 10 page manual which clarifies the simple and straightforward principles and programs. There will be 3 programs:

Senior Health

Healthy Heart

Return to Health

Each program will have an 8 week introductory class followed by lifelong weekly follow-up.

All three programs are based on the same values and precepts. These 8 core values are illustrated as follows (I envision these as the points outlining the number 8):









These 8 points of focus will lead the voyager to health. Health is defined as: Living with energy, freedom, and authenticity.

The 3 programs all target full health and wellness with emphasis on mind, body and spirit. Health and healing require all 3 elements to be developed, nurtured and supported. It should be noted: Health can be attained regardless of diagnosis, age or life situation.

For the next 4 days, I will reveal these 8 core principles and their relationship to health and healing. Each "brick in the wall" can be accessed by any and all people and will light the path toward health. We all want to be well. We all want to be fully alive. Come with me on the ultimate adventure--finding and holding health.


wannabeatms said…
This sounds very interesting Mark.

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