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At the very root of a program to regain health lies the absolute necessity of daily movement. The body is built for functioning and for ambulating and it loses its amazing capacity if not used. Injuries and ailments may make the flow and fluidity of the body less ideal but they are not a reason for stagnation. Life is flow and if we want to keep the privelege of inhabiting our bodies then we have to use our bodies.

Exercise of any sort makes our bodies sing. They may not sing if they have not been worked in a while but the body absolutely will respond when challenged. In a true quest to regain health and vitality, regular movement is a requirement. What form or fashion is really not the issue. Some people like to walk. Some prefer riding a bike. Some feel most comfortable in water. Others like to build their muscles in a gym. Others like to work with their bodies without apparatus either with yoga, TaiChi, or dance. Some are benefitted coupling their workout with music. Some like group settings while others choose solitude. Some couple their exercise with adventures into nature. Some prefer the predictability and consistency provided by a gym. Sometimes working with a partner or partners helps. Everyone has their preferences. Noone does not get healthier if they move around on a regular basis.

Movement maintains our muscles and bones and nervous systems. The body has a complex natural opioid production mechanism so that when we push our bodies, "good" hormones(endorphins) are released which elevate our moods and decrease our pains. Muscles relax; emotions quiet; spirits rise. Our metabolisms speed up promoting weight loss and increased energy. Blood pressure decreases; sensitivity to insulin increases; tension resolves. Amazingly, even memory improves with regular exercise. The changes which result to our minds and our bodies have been described at length but pale in comparison to the actual experience we get by using our bodies.

Now, bringing a body back to fluidity and flow can take a bit of an effort when one is deconditioned. This is when having a partner or coach is necessary to endure the return to form.
There is truly no limit to the benefits which accrue when a body is re-mobilized. There are an infinite number of excuses to not start moving: too busy, too old, too out-of-shape. However, all these excuses melt away into the nothingness from which they came when the endorphins come and the body becomes energized. It may take a few sessions to begin to get pleasure and joy from repetitive movement but if one can keep focus, the benefits will come. The beginning discomfort can be overcome if one chooses the activity he or she likes. When the individual is the chooser of the activity that is right for him or her, there is a higher probability of continued participation.

Now, there are many rules and guidelines for exercise and movement(ie time, frequency, etc) but none really applies. All that matters is choosing movement everyday as part of one's life. What activity is no matter. The body will feel better. The mind will be happier. Social interaction will undoubtedly increase. All measurable outcomes will improve. One will be more proud of him or herself. There is no drawback--only upside. Just do it!


Thank you. I needed that.


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