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What we eat becomes who we are. Food and liquids are the building blocks for a healthy body. Unfortunately, the world has created many very unhealthy options for our consumption. The drives for convenience, pleasant taste and "quick fixes" have made eating and drinking very unhealthful. We as a culture have drifted away from natural, restorative nourishment to unnatural, actually quite toxic fare.

We all know this. This is not something new or unknown. Our country has been nicknamed the "fast food nation". This is not meant to be a lecture or whining. It is meant to allow us to be who we want to be.

If our goal is to get healthy, then we have to start with where we re-build ourselves everyday. We cannot expect to have plentiful energy and happy organs if the fuel we put in our bodies is anything less than sacred. By sacred, I mean natural, from the earth and truly bringing of life and energy.

A healthy nourishment routine is actually quite simple. It is based in fruits and vegetables. It then extends outward with beans, nuts, seeds, and other legumes(peas and lentils). The core is fruits and vegetables. A wide variety is great. Choosing a few super foods to focus on might make it easier to start. Blueberries(and other berries), spinach, broccoli and tomatoes are the current "in vogue" foods. A wide variety of colors is recommended. Next is grains. Whole wheat is ideal. Products often advertise themselves as whole grain but are often not. Whole grain products include brown rice, wheat breads, and pastas and oats. Again be careful to choose products that truly have the whole grain as their bases. This is the base of any true nourishment.

An important path on the road to getting healthy is learning what fats to eat and which should be avoided. There are good fats(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) which are rich in omega-3 fats. These include olive oil, nut(peanut,almond) oils, and vegetable oils(safflower,corn, sunflower). The less desirable oils are saturated(meat based, cheese and milk related) and the worst are trans fats which are in fried foods, cookies, margarine and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. This whole category of eating is SO important for heart health. Changes here can truly make one feel better and open arteries. It is scary to think how much restaurant food(and fast food restaurants in particular) can "sneak" these unhealthful toxins into our bodies. Learning about the ingestion of fats and then mastering one's nourishment can lead to huge changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as improving how the body functions.

Next, protein sources also can make a big difference in the body's function and health. Fish is considered most healthful while red meat should only be eaten sparingly. Turkey and chicken are intermediate in this category. There are some parts of the chicken or turkey that are better for us than others(breast is lower in fat than other parts). There are also vegetable sources of protein(ie beans and soy) as well as non-fat milk and yogurt. Eggs are a great source of protein but egg whites are better than whole eggs.

Lastly, our body is made up of at least 60 per cent water. We need re-hydration ongoingly. Drinking water is the best plan for health. The world has created infinite delicious and tempting, tasty drinks but the bulk of these are not in line with a goal of health. Sodas are the worst; they are frankly toxic whether diet or regular. Water is what the body craves and the fuel which keeps us going. Regaining a taste for plain water may be one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

For those who truly wish to lose weight, the formula is not a complex one. The principles for healthful eating are the same. The total caloric intake just needs to be less than the calories expended. This requires a commitment. A negative caloric balance everyday is the only way to realize true weight loss. Combining an increased energy expenditure with a decreased caloric intake is the only way to get where you want to go. Eating the above healthful foods is a true way to decrease calories. Letting go of processed foods, high fructose corn syrup and fast food will get one going on the path. Combining better eating with regular exercise is the only REAL way. When the goal is improved health for a lifetime, the path becomes clear. Support in this quest is absolutely helpful. Finding a replacemrnt for the pleasure and comfort that sweets and fat provide is most necessary. Making weight loss just part of an overall plan of regaining health puts all the "ducks in a row".

In conclusion, food and water are our building blocks. We literally rebuild our bodies every day with the nutrients we take in. We deserve real food. Our bodies do best with natural, plant-based nourishment. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to value ourselves enough to only rebuild ourselves with a healthful diet. Every day is a new day; today can be the day you start to love yourseldf enough to demand true nourishment.


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