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A big part of Chinese Medicine as I understand it is the maintenance of the flow of chi (life energy). The blockages in the veins of the neck(CCSVI) are big blockers of chi. The recent discovery of this mechanism of disease in Multiple Sclerosis patients is very much in line with the Chinese medical principles. The Liberation Procedure is a giant gate back to the world of flow. Maintaining flow once it has been re-established is the ongoing wonderful opportunity now given to us. Flow is the optimal state of being for all living organisms. Flow can be generated and maintained with a steady, regular routine.

Dr. Roy Swank grasped this concept and guided multitudes of MS patients to longer, healthier lives with his MS diet. He was way ahead of his time and his diet promoted flow. Cutting out animal fat, decreasing total fat, and eliminating processed food combined with eating lots of fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and fish provides the nourishment necessary to keep the flow going. Fat (particularly saturated and trans types) cause all sorts of "circulatory slowing" behaviors that hurt MS patients as well as coronary artery disease patients. Swank's study showed marked improvements in outcomes for MS patients that went on for years. Now combining the promise of the Liberation Procedure with the nourishment that Swank outlined and others(Dean Ornish, John McDougall, and millions of Mediteraneans) have followed, MS patients can live fully once again.

Supplementing with fish oil and vitamin D also promotes flow. The mechanisms are still unclear but both seem to have effects on preventing clot formation and stagnant flow.

The medicines aspirin and Plavix also work by preventing clot formation. These are now staples for heart patients and MS patients after the Liberation Procedure.

Exercise definitely promotes flow. Blood vessels relax, the heart pumps more and faster, the sympathetic nervous system is "quieted", platelets(the blood clotting cells) get less "sticky". There is abundant experimental proof of the remarkable benefits of any kind of exercise on the flow of blood through the body.

Stress reduction through music, art, tai chi, yoga, xi gong, meditating, praying, talking to friends all improve flow. All these activities and ones like them all promote flow. Peace, calmness, joy, fun, laughing and pleasure are all infinitely good for our minds, bodies and blood flow. The opposite emotions hurt our bodies in many ways we do not see.

This list is by no means exhaustive. There are SO many good things we can do for ourselves to promote flow and prevent the blockage of chi. Getting a massage or acupuncture can allow flow where it has been blocked. Forgiving ourselves or others that have hurt us can provide a release of toxicity and negativity that create chronic drains of life giving energy. Reconnecting with ourselves, our higher purpose and whatever we use to guide our way brings flow back to our bodies, our blood and our lives.

Flow is our natural state but it is so easily lost in our crazy world. The beautiful thing is that it can be re-established. MS patients now have an amazing opportunity to return to the flow of full life. The Liberation Procedure can open our wounds; the technology associated with 21st century medicine can literally hold open the gates and then we can live a life that lets flow be the way.


Anonymous said…
Hello Mark, Today at 1:00 I am going to have another scan of my veins. Dr. Omann from RMG in Encinitas offered to do it again on me because three other patients have asked for the pocedure and he has learned more information about how to do it to get the Azoygos vein. Love, Julie.
Jeanette said…
Hey Mark,
I'm telling my M.S. patients to check out your blog to learn about the procedure. I gave your info to a young woman last week who was overwhelmed with her diagnosis. It gave her and her husband great comfort to have options other than the usual on the menu. Networking Happens!
Love Nurse Stiles
Anonymous said…

Long time no news, I hope you are doing great. Just wanted to tell you that you writing about your experience of Liberation gives us pre- Liberations so much hope and inspiration.

M. Cleveland-Innes said…
Hi Mark:

You are a wealth of sound information and an inspiration. Your discussion here explains this researcher's findings:

Liberation date October 17th for me, in Poland. I can hardly wait ....


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