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6 month update and announcement

Wow, it is has been 6 weeks since my last writing. I am currently in Lake Tahoe on holiday with Grace and our puppies. It is amazingly beautiful here. We have come here in the summers intermittently over the past 20 years. Last summer was very difficult for me as I could not sleep and was extremely limited in my activities. It was the lowest I have ever been in my memory. Hiking amidst the beauty is what we love and not being physically able was very hard on me mentally. Thanks to the Liberation Procedure and lots of rehab/re-training, I am very happy to say that I am back on the trails and able to see, feel and experience the beauty again. I am deeply grateful to once again be a participator in this magical life. Nature has always been my temple/church and movement in nature truly lights my fire. Swimming in Lake Tahoe and the surrounding mountain lakes rejuvenates me in ways that nothing I have ever experienced can or does.

My favorite hike here -- Five Lakes -- is a rigorous hike up to 5 beautiful mountain lakes. I was not able to do the hike last year but I was again blessed this year. Swimming in the main lake felt like a true re-birth for me ; I was proud that I could make the ascent and the beauty was even greater than I remember it. Swimming multiple times in the chilly water was the greatest gift I can imagine. Sharing the experience with Grace and my friends John and Nance made it all the better. Thank you God for the amazing beauty of this world and thank you Paolo Zamboni for your courage, brilliance and fortitude in bringing forth to the world a new treatment for an old disease.

I have continued to slowly improve since my Liberation Procedure 6 months ago. I am fully able to engage in my favorite activities of biking, hiking and swimming. My dream of again running is limited to relatively short jaunts in the middle of hikes. I am still hopeful that with more time, fortitude and energy that running can again be in my repertoire. For now, getting small tastes of this fruit is enough.

I am now preparing to re-emerge in the medical world. I have deeply missed the connection and fulfillment that that I get from being a doctor. I have taken time away with the intention of choosing a right path for myself. Working in the current system has caused me great frustration throughout my career as I have tried to fit into the current medical model. I realize that I just cannot practice in this way any longer. While I have always shied away from being a solo practitioner, I realize that this is the only way for me as I have to do it my own way. Blaming the system, my bosses or anyone is no longer acceptable.

I will be based very close to my home in Del Mar at a counseling office. My friend Steve Bierman has graciously offered to share his very healing office with me. I will be there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays and will do home visits on Thursday and Fridays. I plan to do extended visits(1-2 hours) with the goal of offering time to my clients which will open up possibilities for healing that just cannot evolve out of a brief encounter. I plan to offer what I have written about in this blog -- emotional support, a wide range of options both medical and "complementary" and a deep down belief that healing can happen. I hope to help people face, work with and master their medical and physical challenges as well as help people at the end of life find peace and comfort in making their transition. In short, I will be the doctor I have always wanted to be. I hope to bring to my community and to anyone motivated to feel better an approach and style that promotes healing and well-being. I have learned much in my varied travels as a doctor and have more recently experienced first hand what it is to heal. I look forward to sharing my knowledge, experience and my heart with those on their own healing journeys.

My new practice opens September 1st. For appointments, please call Tarin at (858) 259-8333.


Michael McCafferty said…
>>>>" I will be the doctor I have always wanted to be".

It just doesn't get much better than that!
herdog said…
Lots of people who have been liberated speak of their Physio program. What kinds of things do you do and do you think you would have done as well without Physio?
wannabeatms said…
Very happy for you Mark!!
Shirley said…
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Shirley said…
Dr. Kalina,

Lovely to read your six month update. Things happen to good people and that is how it should be. I have read so many post Angioplasty stories and they all are so inspiring.

I have been privileged the opportunity to receive Angioplasty on September 15 at high noon!! I want proper blood flow and proper blood circulation and whatever happens after this is gravy!! My long term goal is to get to use a walker. I have been in my chair going on year nine. Never in a million years did I ever believe I would be saying "my long term goal is.... This is so surreal!! I really think I am dreaming and I hope I never wake up :)

I wish you luck at your new adventure pursuing what YOU want :)

Anonymous said…
m, your writing re: your upcoming practice brings tears to my eyes. you already ARE the doctor we all need and it sounds like now you will fully and wholly be practicing as such! may blessings abound in this endeavor, l.
melanie said…
Hi Mark,

So pleased that you have started your new health program. I know that this is something that you were always passionate about, holistic medicine etc. You were always such a kind,happy,caring doctor at Scripps, and helped me with my depression. I never knew you had MS, I am glad you are feeling a lot better after your procedure. I wish you well with your new venture. Regards Melanie Senior.
melanie said…
Hi Mark,

So pleased that you have started your new health program. I know that this is something that you were always passionate about, holistic medicine etc. You were always such a kind,happy,caring doctor at Scripps, and helped me with my depression. I never knew you had MS, I am glad you are feeling a lot better after your procedure. I wish you well with your new venture. Regards Melanie Senior.

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