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Further Clarification of What I Do

What is it that makes my medical practice special?
Why would someone come to me rather than continue with their regular doctor(s)?
Why would someone spend cash on a medical consult rather than go the regular route and stay in the medical system?

These questions are extremely important and relevant to my new medical practice. I am attempting to offer a service that is not currently available within "the system" or anywhere that I am aware of. I am a "regular doctor" by training and have practiced in the "system" for nearly 20 years. However, it became very clear to me early in my career that standard medicine only offered the tip of the iceberg of what true healing involved. During my first 20 years of medical work I learned that healing and getting well involved so much more than brief office visits, prescription medicines and medical procedures. I went on an extensive, learning journey in the world of healing and learned great lessons. I explored the worlds of psychology, complementary medicine and the critical world of lifestyle medicine(peoples' daily routines, habits and behaviors). In addition, my personal experience with Multiple Sclerosis and the healing that I received with the Liberation Procedure propelled me on a journey that has been both transformative for me personally and showed me that healing comes first from the formation of new perceptions and beliefs. Once an individual perceives of his or her situation with "new eyes"and then subsequently forms new beliefs about his or her ability to master and work with their challenge, then a new world of possibility opens and transformation is possible.

This is what I wish to offer: new eyes to view old problems. A road to transformation and change; allowing people to break out of their "stuck" places and move forward into new freedom and a fuller life equipped with the tools and skills and support to become who they want to be.

I am no longer a primary care physician. I am no longer in the system. I am there for people when they wish to make changes and get "unstuck". Change is possible and it is within all of our grasps. With time(1-2 hour visits) and focused attention on your story, I can help you get to where you want to go. Come on in and find your new eyes.


Katie Kobayashi said…
Now I know where you are!!! You were the best part of my healing journey at SDCC...I miss you and pray that your healing continues and that you feel blessed...because YOU ARE A BLESSING, DR. KALINA!!

Kathleen Kobayashi aka..Katie
Julie Hinze said…
Sending Love for your amazing healing wishes for your patients. Hello Mark, It is Julie Hinze here. My veins are completely open according to the neuroradiologist. I can thank Qigong and my acupuncturist, Alan, from Enciitas. Each day I experience gains. I am planning a trip to Bhutan later this month to see my daughter, Kellie. May your practice bring abundance and fabulous, continuous healing for yourself and others. Thank you for all of your strong guidance.

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