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My New Practice Part III Options and Choices

At the very heart of what I wish to offer people is a wide variety of options and choices that are customized to the beliefs and values of each individual. There is never just one path to healing; health for one person may look quite different in another. It is here that the medical system is sometimes limited. The rapid and widespread growth of alternative and complementary medicine speaks to this issue. One size does not fit all. People need customized approaches that fit who they are and what they value. By truly getting to know the people with whom I work, I can offer customized care plans that can allow them to be successful in reaching their goals. Further, general approaches to healing(ie psychology or acupuncture) can be quite different experiences depending on with whom one is working. Finding the right person(the one with whom you connect and respect) makes all the difference when trying to get well.

As an example, let's look at coronary artery disease. At the root of the problem is blocked arteries. How to get them open is the task of healing but there are a wide variety of ways to get to this goal. Cardiologists use stents and balloons to acutely open narrowings. Cardiovascular surgeons use bypass grafting to re-establish flow. The cholesterol-lowering drugs can create reversal in the blockage process although this may take time. In addition, lifestyle changes(nutrition, exercise, stress reduction) can also lead to re-opening of blocked vessels(again requiring time and persistence). So different people with "blocked arteries" may need quite different approaches. In the acute setting(ie after or during a heart attack), the approach is very different from the chronic management. The acute setting is usually managed by doctors in the hospital. The chronic setting is usually an outpatient, long-term challenge. It is in the chronic situation, that an "integrative" approach may be optimal( ie using medicine to lower cholesterol AND making lifestyle changes that improve blood flow and decrease the laying down of blockages). Further, each individual brings a life situation and a unique style of dealing with that situation to the table.So, we can see that there are many ways to get to health and each individual and each situation is quite different. There is not just one path to healing; there are many ways. In addition, each individual brings to the table their own challenges and unique circumstances that make their situation unlike every other.

Healing is a complicated challenge but the most worthwhile of ventures. Working with a health partner who sees both the general disease process but also the individual who is facing the challenge can make all the difference. I am committed to being just this kind of guide. Everyone has a story and a history that make them unique. Working with each individual in a slow, deep way reveals the path to healing. Having options and healing choices that are ideally suited for you, creates a power and healing energy that is just not available when one is fit into a "one size fits all" approach. There are a nearly infinite number of health challenges and also a nearly infinte number of ways to approach these challenges. Healing is available to everyone; finding the right path for YOU is absolutely essential. Having options and choices gives you the freedom to get well.


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