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Meaning and Purpose

At the very heart of this life is a force and energy that gets us up in the morning and fills our thoughts throughout the day. Most of us are so busy and overwhelmed with the activities of our lives that we often lose sight of this powerful driving force. However, even if we are not aware of our "reason to be", I propose that it is still our main stabilizing and guiding influence in our lives. For many, the life force is centered on providing safety, security, food and shelter for our families. This noble goal can completely dominate our consciousness as it is a true and ongoing challenge in this complex world. For those fortunate enough to have these basic needs met either by good fortune or through their previous hard work, there is another level of challenge to be grappled with. The next level is an existential challenge quite different from meeting the basic human needs. It can be about finding love or learning to love ourselves. It can be about peace and contentment. It can be about achievement or self-actualization. In any case, the pursuit of purpose and meaning offers the pursuer a fully loaded set of obstacles and difficulties often without a clearly marked path or instruction manual.

Not many people I know can clearly verbalize why they are here or what is the meaning of life. Without this conscious awareness, life can become dark in bad times and "rocky" on a day to day basis. I believe this issue comes up most as people age and the usual driving forces (work, providing for survival needs and child-rearing) are less of a focus. This issue is at the heart of the "senior" years. How shall we live knowing that our time is limited, our bodies are not what they used to be, and our roles and positions are no longer clear?

Many turn to their spiritual traditions to answer these existential questions. A true spiritual connection can bring clarity and light to the dark and cloudy views which arise as one ponders meaning and purpose. These questions -- why are we here and what is the purpose of our lives --have been addressed for centuries by the great thinkers, philosophers and seekers. Answers have come but there is no right answer and no unified belief. This is truly what makes life interesting but simultaneously challenging and sometimes down right hard.

The absence of meaning and purpose creates true suffering for many. Spiritual darkness can be very lonely and very painful. If only, we could be "shown the light", we could trace a path for ourselves. I have been reading about "end of life visions" which often come to people who are dying. David Kessler in his book "Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms" details stories and experiences of the dying in a very real and a very regular way. He explores an area that medicine has largely ignored and that I have never heard discussed as so routine and maybe even universal. The connections that people make in this vulnerable state are profound and transforming. They take away fear and bring a sense of peace that no talking, reading or medicating can do. It seems that people can truly see a world that transcends fear and provides peace and acceptance beyond anything that this human experience can reveal.

If indeed, there is a beauty and a peace that the dying get glimpses of and those blessed to have "near-death experiences" see and experience but then return to human form, then quite possibly there is a reason for our "suffering" in this world. We may not understand it as we go through it but if we can "just believe" and trust in this light and love that is universally described, then maybe we can find our "reason to be" amidst the craziness that it is our lives.


Wasagaman said…
Meaning and Purpose for most of us seems to embrace the perception of past experiences and future desires, that then form and mesh into our present actions. It then becomes a question of how much influence do we place on everything but the present. We tend to 'think' our existence as opposed to letting our existence to manifest itself existentially from love and peace. It may be that trust in Love and Peace is the affirmation that we need to pursue most of all. As with somone going through a near death experience or dying sheds themselves of our supposedly important 'things' and gets a taste of true spirituality.
Bill Wiltrack said…
Interesting and important post Mark.

Thank you for verbalizing what may be the most dynamic question of our senior years.

Good luck in all you do.

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