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Healing -- The Pando Way

Health and healing are very important goals. In my opinion, the reason these two goals are not often attained is that they are not well defined and, therefore, not easy to reach (a path cannot be followed because the ultimate goal is never clarified and kept in focus). Lack of clarity in the endpoint makes the process of getting there very difficult, if not impossible.

In developing and documenting the Pando Method, our very first goal was to define health. We investigated many sources and explored many traditional and non-traditional definitions. What we found was that health, healing and well-being were very often talked about and sought after but very rarely (or never) actually defined clearly. Herein lies the problem of modern medicine and particularly primary care. We are pursuing a goal that is not clear or universally accepted.

At Pando, we have started our venture with our own definition of what it is to be well. We define health as the combination of authenticity and awareness. We define authenticity as living life guided by one's inner being rather than by the demands of society or one's early conditioning. We define awareness as remembering and feeling the oneness and connection underlying all of life. So, our definition of health emanates from the symbol of the Pando tree -- each Aspen tree is a unique and special creation but each tree is part of a greater whole and lives intimately connected to the community.
Health then is the balance between the realization of our individual, differentiated specialness combined with a continual feeling of connection with all the other unique and special beings in our world.

This definition is not traditional or medical. It is more psychological, sociological and spiritual. It is meant to be clear, concise and very possible to attain. It does not require any defined physical status or educational accomplishment. It can be reached at any age and regardless of medical diagnoses. It can be reached in youth or at the end of life. It can be used as an ongoing marker of one's progress and status. Two questions really diagnose if we are well: (1) Am I true to myself? and (2) Am I able to connect to those around me in an open and honest way?

It is with these goals in mind that Kim Chartrand and I have created Pando Health Groups. From our experience in caring for patients and and caring for ourselves, these goals arose as primary to health, healing and well-being. Of course, the miracles of modern medicine are wonderful supports for helping us all on our ride through this life but healing ourselves and finding and maintaining health and well-being are nurtured and developed by our relationships with others and our connection to ourselves.

The Pando Method (group interactive sessions, group movement classes and a very simple awareness technique) can be learned, practiced and mastered by anyone with any life or health situation. We look forward to sharing this process with anyone who wishes to get well.


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