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Let the Games Begin!

I have been away for far too long. After years of researching, studying, learning and ceaselessly searching for a new and better path to healing, well-being and empowerment, I have set up my own shop with exactly these goals in mind. I have now come back to my core roots (my website/blog) to unveil the product of my quest. I have had a burning drive inside me since becoming a doctor to change and improve the paradigm of modern medicine to one that people can access easily, continually and forever. While the path has been bumpy and often dark and unlit, I believe I have gained clarity and perspective and am now ready to share with the world a systematized method for maintaining and regaining health and power. The method is helpful to anyone, of any age, at any stage of life. We have named it the Pando Method.

 Our shop is called Pando Health Groups and is located in Solana Beach on Cedros Avenue -- a "happening" mecca of art, entertainment, fashion and fun. Our website is Our address is: 427 South Cedros Ave #101  Solana Beach, California 92075.

Our phone # is (858) 876-6360. You can email me at  We will be having open houses over the next 3 weeks to showcase our unique Pando Method.

I have combined with a spectacular nurse named Kim Chartrand who shares my passion for creating connection, healing and empowerment. We also will have a wide array of healers from a variety of disciplines who will be utilizing the Pando Method with their own flair and style. Kim and I will be intimately involved in developing all the programs but our team will deliver a variety of programs to meet anyone's needs who wishes to enhance their health and well-being or truly return to health. The Method can work for anyone, with any condition at any age. All that is required is an open heart and open mind.

So, why Pando?? The Pando tree is the largest living organism on earth. It is located in southwest Utah.  It is actually a grove of Aspen trees but with a completely connected subterranean root system. The Pando tree spreads over many acres and has spectacular, individual trees but it is ONE entity. I see this miraculous organism as an incredible living symbol of the human race. We are all separate, individual beings with our own styles, looks, unique qualities, personalities and gifts but at the "core", we are all part of the whole. We are all one. We mirror each other and, even more, we allow our fellow travelers to shine brighter as they do for us if we recognize, remember and feel the connection that we share.

This is the basis of the Pando philosophy and the core of the Pando Method. While modern medicine treats each separate individual one at a a time, at Pando, we bring fellow travelers together to connect on a deep (as opposed to superficial) level. First, we do this by sitting in a circle and talking with open hearts about who we are and what our story up to now has been. By witnessing others in this open state and letting ourselves be known at the same time, we connect in a way that does not happen in "usual" relationships. There is a power and magic that evolves out of the healing circle that we have created at Pando. Shifts in perceptions occur and hearts are open as humans come out of isolation and people become known and cared about.

The Pando Method has two other core components that are intimately tied to the talking circle. We have a variety of gentle movement practices that allow the mind and body the opportunity to connect and come together. We can perform these movement practices in the group format that we utilize for the talking circle which further enhances our connection to others as we connect to ourselves. The talking and the moving are synergistic and mutually enhancing; open conversation allows the body to find freedom and ease while gentle movement promotes openness and connection in relationship.

The final and equally crucial leg of the triad is our awareness technique. It allows for one to take the journey out of the head (thinking) and into the body(awareness). It is similar to meditation practices but it is more accessible, easier to practice and master and always available to a willing, motivated seeker. Its simplicity is deceptive as most of us believe that we must "work hard" to change or get well but this technique if practiced often and with intention, can create a shift in our repetitive patterns and allow for a freedom and trust that may have been elusive for decades.

The Pando Method (the triad) can bring about all three of our goals -- connection, empowerment and healing. It can allow one to care for oneself in a truly authentic and loving way. We become more ourselves while becoming connected to those around us of our choosing. Our center makes one feel like our best friend has their arm around us as we transcend our fears and blocks and land in a land of love and support from others and ourselves. Health and empowerment are the prizes and the gifts of exploring ourselves and our world in a new way.

I look forward to sharing Pando Health Groups with you further via my blog which will soon be attached to the Pando website. Please stay tuned for inspiring stories of healing, new found power and strength all emanating out of the connection which is all around us and ready to be harnessed.


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