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Pando: The Bottom Line

There are literally thousands of wellness clinics and health coaches and psychospiritual paths to healing and back to health spreading throughout the nation and world. On our street alone (Cedros Avenue in Solana Beach), there are at least five. So what is it that distinguishes what we are attempting to do at Pando from the nearly infinite other opportunities?

At Pando, we operate from the underlying premise that health is a combination of authenticity (being guided from an internal source of who we are) and connection (two or more people coming together as one). Authenticity requires a courage to accept and honor one's self including our "barnacles" (those things that make us feel shame). Connection evolves when people feel valued and understood and NOT judged. When these two states are present in an individual, they elevate to a higher level and health and empowerment ensue regardless of age, medical conditions or social circumstance.

I realize this is a very different perception and definition of health than is common in most circles, including the medical world. However, it is our theory that this framework permits all humans a path to a better life. Is it possible? YES. Do we have a formula to get people to this goal? YES

The Pando Method is our 3 pronged approach to getting well regardless of circumstance. The Method
has 3 components:

(1) Group interactive sessions wherein people gradually and progressively "let their guards down" and allow themselves to be known. This is the core component of our program as it enhances authenticity while creating connection. People see the beauty in themselves through seeing and experiencing the beauty and courage of others who face similar challenges to their own.

(2) Gentle movement of a variety of styles (Awareness through Movement exercises, Gentle Yoga, and Tai Chi and Xi Gong). These exercises permit a re-integration of the mind-body connection which creates connection within oneself.

(3) Resting in Awareness. A mindfulness practice geared to allow one to come out of the continually thinking mind and into a relationship with a broader and deeper "ground of being" that is more relaxed, clearer in perceiving and generally more peaceful. It is not an escape from the world; it allows one to be with any state or feeling but in a more focused and "cleaner" way (as opposed to being swept away by thoughts or feelings).

These three components of the Pando Method work in harmony to create an internal shift within individuals to generate authenticity and allow connection. The end result is "being comfortable in your own skin" (authenticity) and having the capacity to communicate with and "get" others and have them "get" you on a real and true level (connectivity). These two manifestations are what we teach and pass on at Pando Health Groups. When a person feels free to be themselves and is capable of connecting within and without, life is an entirely different experience and one that is ongoingly enriching, empowering and downright fun. Chronic illness and disability are no longer jail sentences but learning experiences along the journey of life.

Addendum: I don't at all mean to be repetitive or boring. I am working hard to clarify my message and the message of Pando. Please let me know if I am getting closer to my goal of having the world understand and "get" my mission and vision. Thank you


Yes, clearer with this last post.
Do you have any stories of people who have received benefit from The Pando Method?
Mark Kalina, MD said…
The Pando Method is our new creation. I have seen many successes in my practice in the past with caring for people in groups. Caring for people in groups has been proven to improve patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. Meditation has also been shown to improve many patient outcomes. By combining group interaction with a meditative technique with awareness exercises (the Pando Method), we are sure to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. We will keep you informed as we roll it out. Thank you for asking.

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