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The Pando Method for Fibromyalgia

FIbromyalgia is a challenging medical condition which has largely defied medical sciences' efforts to manage and resolve it. Of note, it is remarkably resistant to pharmaceutical approaches and even physical therapy. The "standard of care" in medical circles is usually anti-depressants (as patients are frequently depressed by their chronic pain), muscle relaxants (which usually make people tired but do NOT relieve their symptoms) and various physical modalities (physical therapy, massage, acupuncture). Unfortunately, none of these remedies are usually helpful and are often counterproductive. It is really the ultimate as far as conditions which require a mind-body approach to improve symptoms and master the affliction.

No one I know has a very complete understanding of this condition. It is characterized by "trigger points" throughout the body (muscular knots) which are painful. Patients frequently have poor sleep patterns (usually insomnia) as part of their presentation and the combination of factors often leads to depression, frustration and anger. Fibromyalgia is often associated with other conditions which are often equally frustrating and also poorly understood (interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue).

While this condition is horribly frustrating to patients and a troublesome mystery to doctors, it IS truly workable and even curable. The treatment is just NOT standard medicine. The healing approach fits in very well with what we offer at Pando Health Groups. The only two things that I know which have shown to benefit this condition in medical trials are aerobic exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy. How these help is unclear however, it does seem clear that working on generating the body's own "feel-good chemicals" along with stretching and training the muscles are definitely helpful. Talking about feelings and changing negative beliefs are also therapeutic maneuvers which seem to help.

Thus, we see the mind-body connection in action. First, in creating a "mysterious" condition and then also in setting it free. This is what we do at Pando Health Groups. We talk honestly and deeply about whatever is coming up for our clients. We may not be able to take away the emotional pain or troubling circumstances but we CAN hear a person, walk in their shoes and fully empathize with their situation. This kind of connection has magic in it as the client is heard and NOT judged and can "get out" their story. Further, we use simple exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi and Xi Gong and the Feldenkrais Method which allow for re-integration of reconditioned muscles and posture. This works synergistically with the interactive, non-judgmental group sharing to promote body relaxation and a feeling of safety. Eventually, as the individual improves, they can engage in aerobic exercise which continues them on the plane to healing.

Lastly, at Pando, we utilize a technique called "resting in awareness" (similar to meditation but shorter in duration and accessible anytime and anywhere). This technique promotes peace and a relaxation that can be found in the heat of a busy and crazy life. It is a true and ever-present friend to a struggling soul not able to find quiet and rest in body or mind. By dropping out of the overactive, thinking mind and into the deeper and calmer core, the participant finds a quieter place which allows them to remember better feelings.

Fibromyalgia has baffled the scientific, technological world for the last few decades. That is not surprising as there is no blood test or X-ray to diagnose it, no pharmaceutical remedy to soothe it and no  expert to fix it. However, fibromyalgia is able to be helped and even cured. The way in is through a separate door; opening the heart, speaking the mind, finding the natural stillness of the body, sharing who you are and moving the body in a new way can bring freedom and energy back to a frustrated soul.


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