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Challenging the Norm

So much of what I long to bring to our world is difficult to market, promote and sell. Why? Because people want to stay comfortable, safe and maintain the status quo. I understand that well -- I have that longing myself. The problem is: doing the same thing(s) yields the same results. Change requires a new paradigm; a new approach; a new style. It has been said that: "The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result".

This topic is relevant to individuals and also the medical system. Medicine makes small, insignificant changes on delivery of care and then, it is surprised that nothing really changes. The basic care of chronic illness is a great example. Our society continues to use pharmaceuticals and brief one-on-one visits to address complex, emotion-laden issues that are well beyond this superficial handling of this difficult challenge. Similarly, individuals expect life or situations to change without really doing the work to make this happen.

How do we break this seemingly never-ending cycle (the one-on-one doctor visit is over a century old and designed for acute care interventions)? Yes, change is hard. Yes, change feels uncomfortable in the beginning. However, change is what makes the world evolve and we absolutely MUST dive into it if we are hoping for a better life.

At Pando, we are making this type of change happen. We are breaking out of the box and challenging the status quo. This is not easy and it will take time. However, we are convinced from the bottom of our hearts that, change has to come. The health system is broken and small topical, financial adjustments are NOT the cure. A new model is the cure. Helping people handle their difficult emotions and barriers to connection is our model and we are learning how to deliver this very needed result better every day. We welcome those who are ready to break old patterns and find a new and better way.


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