I am very proud to announce a series of lectures/conversations by my favorite healers that I know. I hope you can join us at Pando for a real and powerful look into healing. These are magical times and these wonderful people are coming to share their expansive visions with you.
Lecture Series Topics and Dates:
June 25th 7 p.m.
- "The benefit of group interventions to support standard medical care" PaulBrenner, M.D. Ph.D. UCSD Cancer Center Encinitas
- July 2nd, 7 p.m.
- "True Resilience: Withstand, Recover, and Grow from Adversity" Don Chartrand, Inventor Stress Resilience Training System (SRTS)
- July 9th, 7 p.m.
- "The use of Tai Chi/Chi Kung and meditation to improve outcomes in severe medical illness" Matt Szymczak, L.AcCo-owner Encinitas Massage and Acupuncture
- July 16th, 7 p.m.
- "The use of mindfulness meditation and group support to enhance medical outcomes." Steve Alper, L.C.S.W., MBSR leader
- July 23rd, 7 p.m.
- "Integrative Oncology" Dan Vicario, M.D.
UCSD Cancer Center Encinitas - July 30th, 7 p.m.
- "Self-hypnosis to support and improve health" Steve Bierman, M.D.
- August 6th, 7 p.m.
- "Creating a good end of life."Kathy Jackson, R.N., Owner Hospice by-the-Sea
Sign me up for the Steve Bierman talk on Self-Hypnosis...
Thank you.